Wednesday 12 September 2007

Bob Marley

Bob Marley in my oppinion is one of the greatest song writers and fighter's of human eqaulity.

The song's-
Get up, stand up:- this is a great song and excelent to just sit and chill out to, it's very realxing music and has a very smooth rythm that you just can't help but nod along to.

No woman, no cry:- Yet again, like almost all bob marley songs this is another all time great. This song has a lot of meaning behind it (like all Marley songs) and i can relate to it a lot, it brings back a lot of memory's.


Duncan said...

Great review, Ryan.

I hope that you can do something about the spelling, it was the only downside about your post. You might find it useful to type the work into a word processor and the spell-check it before copying it into Blogger.

I'll be asking the boss if we can get a spell-checker for FireFox installed at College.

colin652 said...

Bob Marley is the boy!


Nelson said...

I agree, good review but you need to keep your blogs rolling. Need to see more posts on your favourite band and more.